President Rick Gerger, UAB Medicine Birmingham
President-Elect Ryan Hamner, Cooper Green Mercy, Birmingham
Secretary Jamey Greer, USA Health Providence, Mobile
Treasurer Mike McCaleb, Russell Medical Center, Alex City
Past President Janet Pate, UAB Medicine Birmingham
Education Committee
Chairman Lotoya Beard, UAB, Birmingham
By-Laws Committee
Chairman Ray Tanner, Thomas Hospital, Fairhope
Membership Committee
Chairman Andrew Williams, HMR Veteran Services of Alabama, Alex City
Resolutions Committee
Chairman Wesley Davis, UAB Medicine, Birmingham
Codes and Standards Committee
Chairman Darrel Maples, Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System, Lafayette
Media Committee
Chairman Andrew Williams, USA Health University Hospital, Mobile
Nominating Committee
Chairman Janet Pate
Jamey Greer
Paul Cherico
ASHE Advocacy and Liaison
Ken Swanson, UAB, Birmingham
ASHE Sustainability
Paul Cherico, Marshall Medical Center South, Boaz