2023-2024 ASHE Platinum Award

AlaSHE was presented with ASHE’s Platinum Level Award at this years Annual Health Care Innovations Conference in Anaheim, California for our organization’s accomplishments in 2023.

ASHE’s Chapter Awards recognize the outstanding achievements and contributions of its chapters that partner with ASHE to help optimize the health care physical environment. ASHE offers platinum, gold, silver, and bronze level awards, in addition to the new elite status bonus award that can be awarded to chapters at any level.

The award was presented to this years Chapter President Janet Pate and our AlaSHE delegation by our very own Lotoya Beard, ASHE’s Region 4 Advisory Board Member.

Accompanying Janet at this year’s conference was Jamey Greer (2023 AlaSHE President), Rick Gerger (2024 AlaSHE Vice President), and Ken Swanson (ASHE Liaison)